Black Cockatoo Distillery logo, makers of award-winning Western Australian gins

Desert Lime Gin

The desert lime is a tiny grape-sized fruit that has a rather sweet tang compared to the traditional limes that you may pick off a tree in your garden or buy at your supermarket. When freeze-dried, some people liken it to sherbet. Suggestions for how it can be used are extensive, but do not include using it a basis for a gin. Challenge accepted! – We just had to create a gin around this distinctly Australian product.

Our Desert Lime Gin includes traditional gin ingredients such as allspice, liquorice root, angelica root and ginger. We bolster the desert lime with other citrus ingredients to create a clearly citrus-driven gin. It’s easy to use organic citrus when you can pick them from the tree on your way down to the distillery.

This is a classic gin and tonic (G&T) focused gin that works wonders on a warm summer evening. Pair with halved desert limes if you can get hold of some, otherwise squeeze a few drops from a lime wedge and then sink it in. Enjoy!

  • Winner of World Gin Awards 2024 silver medal award.
  • Winner of Perth Royal Agricultural Show 2023 Distilled Spirits bronze medal award.
  • Winner of London Spirits Competition (LSC) 2024 bronze medal award.
World Gin Awards 2024 silver medal awarded to Desert Lime Gin
Perth Royal Show Distilled Spirits Awards 2023 bronze medal awarded to Black Cockatoo Distillery Desert Lime Gin
London Spirits Competition 2024 bronze medal awarded to Black Cockatoo Distillery Desert Lime Gin


Weight 0.75 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 25 cm
Alcohol by Volume (ABV):


Bottle size:
